Rosebed & Finch Commercial Shoot

Date: 21st of May 2020

Location: Nambour Tafe Studio

Sunshine Coast raw treat company Rosebed and Finch specialise in gluten free, refined sugar free, dairy free, vegan treats.

The owner Sherhys is also a friend of mine who politely offered an arrangement of cakes to photograph for my commercial assessment. 

I have choosen to do this shoot in the Nambour tafe photography studio to practice my knowledge of flash photography.

I recently purchased water resistant backdrops from everyday and co which I’m excited to use and test out.

As well as some props from around my house.

My concept is to have the treats featured as the hero of each image, they are so colourful and have the most amazing textures so I feel that anything else in the image is just to add not distract.



-One some soft box was used to start but I felt like the images weren’t showing enough depth so I added in a flash with a snoot to pick up the ends of the dried fruit and flowers on the top each cake.


-All the cakes were brought in frozen so I had to leave them to defrost somewhat but it was tricky as the flash lights were heating them and they started to melt and lose their shape.


What have I learnt from this experience.

-I have really enjoyed working with still life.

Learning the art of studio lighting is extremely challenging but so rewarding when you look at your final images.

I have a new found appreciation for commercial photography.



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