About me

Hello I’m Brittany


Wife to Rob, mother to three beautiful children Tahj, Daisy & Bobby.


Before children I worked in finance for many years which at the time I enjoyed but it was never a passion, I alway believed that work was purely for earning money and just a necessity.

My darling husband and I run our own successful electrical/solar business on the Sunshine Coast that was established 8 years ago, Rob has always loved what he does and watching his continued enjoyment made me really sit back and think, what could I do that fulfilled my day?

I have loved being a stay at home Mother/bookkeeper however with my youngest due to start school in a few years I soon realised that my children won’t need me at home forever so it was time to start focusing on myself, and the future.

The photography journey started for me in 2017 when my step father was diagnosed with a terminal illness, having already lost my Dad I knew the importance of preserving as many memories as I could as I knew one day soon these images would be cherished moments in time to reflect and hold dear. I made the decision to purchase that upgraded, expensive camera that I had been putting off for years.

like most people I had no idea what to do and thank goodness for auto settings, however I found I was wanting to learn more so I starting watching youtube videos, reading blogs and bought ‘Photography book for dummies’.

Ernest passed away in May 2019, since his passing I have thrown myself into learning more about photography and develop my skills, as off December 2020 I’ll be graduating with a diploma of photography and photo imaging.

Photography is not only a passion its become my oxygen, I live and breath the creative process daily and absolutely love every minute of it.


What I like about photographs  is that they capture a moment that is gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”

Karl Lagerfeld